Reasons to love school and how to become a professional?

Are there any children who love school?

Yes, I was such a child. Next to me were my friends-classmates who loved school-loved the learning process.

It was interesting for us to learn new things in the lessons, solve problems with passion and discuss something on history, geography, literature and biology.

I don't remember a day when I didn't want to go to school. In high school, we didn't just learn from the lessons themselves, we were at school jostling day and night on all sorts of additional intensive courses.

hat was that? I'm the lucky one? But in my life, due to my father's work, I changed a lot of schools. And I ran to every school with joy. I loved tests. I loved the Olympics. I loved teachers! I've only met one mediocre teacher in my life. As I understand it now, she was a person who was not interested in other people, but she somehow drifted into school. Although.. wherever she went, she would always be a mediocre specialist - such a ""cardboard box"", template performing its actions. A man without a soul! In any case, her soul was not visible in any of her actions. At the age of 10-12, of course, I could not define exactly what the professional defect of this teacher is. I just didn't like her and tried to stay away. Fortunately, there were plenty of people with souls among my teachers. They did a very big thing in my life-they showed me who is, in a deep sense, a professional. I try very hard not to let them down.

My friends, what do you think is your personal impression as a professional? Will your soul be visible in Your work by those for whom You do this work?

Is it important for You to put your heart into it? Is it important for You to see the work of others, where there is always a soul?
