AT: Deep relaxation

Now we have a really good opportunity to relax and unwind, and take a walk in the woods together. And before we tune in to the wave of rest and peace, we can pay attention to the music we hear. Get used to a slow and calm melody. And before we calm down and relax a little more, I'd like you to make yourself as comfortable as possible. I don't know what position you're in right now, but you can always make yourself even more comfortable. After all, when the body is in a more comfortable state, relaxation occurs by itself. You don't need to try to relax quickly and you don't need to help the relaxation process. It is better to leave our body alone, because it knows how much to relax to feel a little sleepy.

I do not know how you will feel because of the peace that has come, whether it will be pleasant for you…

At the time, as your body begins to relax, you can close the eyes. Although you don't have to close your eyes right away, you will feel when your eyelids become heavy and you can safely close them. And the state of rest, rest and relaxation is more pleasant when the eyes are closed. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly, then take another deep breath and exhale. Take a deep breath and feel your body begin to relax. When you are relaxed, the energy begins to flow freely in the body, naturally, you just need to let it happen right now, and I suggest that you start by relaxing from the top down. Therefore, when the upper part of the body is relaxed, the lower part also relaxes.

You continue to relax... to do this, pay attention to your face... relax the facial muscles, namely, relax the forehead muscles, the forehead muscles relax, it becomes good, comfortable. The forehead muscles relax.. Please relax your brow muscles... your brow muscles are relaxing… There is a sense of comfort and lightness... Please relax the eye muscles.. the eye muscles relax... the eyes rest, and when the eyes rest, the whole thought process stops... and the whole brain rests... the nervous system is fully restored, as fast as possible. And you continue to relax further... relax the muscles of the lips and tongue. This is a very interesting ... pleasant feeling when the muscles of the lips and tongue relax... the muscles of the lips and tongue relax, rest, it becomes easy... well... free... Your face is relaxed. you can relax both the head muscles... and the neck muscles...

A new wave of relaxation passes through your entire body from top to bottom, and relaxation descends down your body… Relax your shoulder muscles... let the relaxation run through your hands... relax your right hand... the right hand relaxes and rests. The forearm of the right hand relaxes... the elbow joint. The right hand relaxes... and every finger. The entire palm of the right hand is relaxed... all hand... the right hand is resting, it is relaxed... Relax your left arm as well... the left hand relaxes. The shoulder of the left hand, the forearm relaxes, the elbow joint relaxes... the left hand and each finger of the left hand relax. The entire palm of the left hand is relaxed... the entire left hand is resting, relaxed. This is a very pleasant, comfortable feeling when your hands are relaxed and resting. Relaxation fills your entire chest and descends into your stomach. You can feel your back muscles relax... this is a very pleasant feeling.

Relax the pelvic area. The muscles and our internal organs are resting... blood circulation is improving ... the internal organs are completely relaxed, the body is resting.

The right leg relaxes... all the way down to the tips of the fingers... the left leg relaxes, you feel that a pleasant relaxation has reached the tips of your left toes and filled your entire body. And maybe you have already relaxed so deeply that you start to feel like you are falling asleep... but this is not a dream, this is a deep state of relaxation... when you seem to be here and not here at the same time, when you feel your body become relaxed and heavy. The body becomes twice as heavy as before. And you feel a deep sense of calm and comfort, as if you are covered with a warm, heavy, downy blanket. Your breathing becomes deeper, and you are filled with a sense of peace and serenity. The feeling of pleasant heaviness covers you with a new wave. You feel your hands getting heavy... your feet are getting heavy… Gradually, the muscles of the back... neck... chest become heavier... your entire body feels like lead... A pleasant heaviness passes to the muscles of the face, lips, and tongue... the weight of the eyelids closes... it's like you're about to fall into a deep sleep. The weight of the blanket feels good on you... and you feel your body warming up… You feel a warm wave from your legs and lower abdomen rising up, merging with the heat in the solar plexus, flowing to your chest, gradually reaching your shoulders... like a blanket gently touching your body.

Now your attention is focused on the hands... Your palms become warm, very warm... Gradually, a warm wave rises up the arms, to the shoulders... You feel a soft ... pulsing warmth... Absorbing heat, the shoulders become soft, relaxed, warm... Warmth and relaxation rise from the shoulder area to the base of the neck... The neck muscles gradually warm up and relax... You can clearly feel your shoulders and neck, as if bathed in pleasant sunlight, relax more and more completely... Your shoulders and neck are warm and relaxed... Shoulders and neck rest... You listen to yourself: now your whole body, as if warmed by warm rays, is soft and relaxed ... Pleasant warmth, peace and relaxation throughout the body. You are resting.

Now your attention is on the face area. You mentally lie on the soft grass so that your face is in the shadow of a tree. You can only feel the faintest glimmer of sunlight passing through the tree's crown... Imagine: a light breeze slightly sways the leaves, and your face is caressed by the gentle reflections of the sun ... you smile to yourself... The muscles of the face warm up and relax more and more fully... The chin drops slightly down, the cheeks become soft, the lips relax... The eyelids gently cover the eyes, and the muscles around the eyes are completely relaxed... Your face is now smooth and calm... Your forehead is smooth and smooth... Imagine: you feel a light breeze, a pleasant, refreshing breeze, and your forehead feels a slight coolness. The forehead becomes smooth and pleasantly cool... Listen to your feelings: your face is relaxed and calm, your forehead is pleasantly cool, your whole face is resting… You are calm and relaxed.

Listen to yourself: now your body is very light... almost weightless... It is as if you are dissolved in the surrounding air - your body is so light... Imagine that you are mentally lifting yourself up and, as if you are lifting yourself off the ground. A light stream of air picks you up, and you gently sway on the air wave... You are so light that the movements of your body are subject to the rhythm of breathing: on the inhale, the air flow slightly lifts you up, on the exhale it slightly lowers you down... Listen to the rhythm of your breathing, mentally swaying to the beat of your breath. Breath, you slightly lifted up, exhale down... Inhale-up, exhale-down... From this point on, with each successive breath, you will relax deeper and deeper. And during the rest, you can listen to my voice, or you can not listen to it, but just relax. You can think about nothing, but you can think about everything. About anything. Sometimes it's better to forget what you remembered or remember what you forgot. The main thing is that now there is nothing at all to do. Although, in itself, doing nothing is already something that needs to be done. And at a time when you can listen to my voice, which has become quieter, or focus on the music and at the same time have a dream in which it will be pleasant to look at the soothing green color of the grass.

Imagine that when you get into the forest, you feel like you're in another world. A world of rest, peace, where thoughts fade into the background and there is a special state of mind. When you see trees and grass and smell resin and pine needles. You can hear the rustle of leaves, birds singing. You can see the blue sky overhead, where the clouds float slowly and calmly. It happens that on the outskirts of the forest you can hear the sound of wind, leaves, crackling branches, and in the depths of the forest it is always quiet and calm. Outside, the wind may be stronger or weaker, but in the forest it is nice and calm. There, at the edge of the forest, the wind can drown out other sounds, and in the depths of the trees, peace and quiet. And the deeper you go, the calmer and more confident you feel. And the soul becomes easy and pleasant. And we want this vacation to last for a long time.

We relax and calm down... We take a deep breath... we feel the fresh air that fills our lungs... but gradually we realize that it's time to go back. And we will return in a state of inner harmony, with a sense of peace and strength. We will return refreshed and active, because we had such a good rest. Gradually... as we start to leave the forest, our body starts to Wake up. Not immediately, but gradually. And at the pace that will be most pleasant and convenient for us, so that the process of awakening is as comfortable as possible for us. I call the number one... and I want to remind you that you can get out of this state slowly, at any pace and at any speed. I call the number two... and gradually our muscle tone returns, the old rhythm of breathing returns... and you can hear my voice clearly... and you feel good. In the process of waking up, I call the number three... and you Wake up even more. And you wonder how positive you will feel. What will change in you? I repeat the number three and call the number four, and you begin to feel your body, your arms, your legs... so the number four and I call the number five, and you can return to your normal waking state.