Altruistic behavior: situational and personal variables

​​​​​​​The article is based on the book ""Social psychology"" by David Myers.

Situational variables:

  • :We help when others do the same

Examples of altruistic behavior encourage altruism. People are more willing to donate money, more likely to agree to become a blood donor, help on the road-if they see how others do it.

  1. Time factor

If a person has free time, they are more willing to help outsiders. In a hurry, the probability of altruism falls sharply.

  1. Personification:

Anything that somehow personifies an eyewitness – a request addressed to them personally, eye contact, the fact that they will introduce themselves to others, or the expectation of further contact with the victim or with other witnesses-makes them more likely to help.

Personal variables:​​​​​​​

Under the influence of guilt, people are more likely to commit altruistic acts. This helps them to get rid of remorse and restore self-esteem. Adults, being in a bad mood, often help, because they get moral satisfaction from doing good deeds. In a happy mood, people (who have just received a gift or are excited by their success) are also more likely to help selflessly.

  1. Personal quality.

Extremely emotional, compassionate, and active people tend to take care of others and provide assistance more than others. Individuals with a high level of self-control, sensitive to the expectations of others, are particularly likely to provide assistance if they believe that it will be socially rewarded. In a potentially dangerous situation, when a stranger needs help (for example, a punctured tire or a fall in a subway car), men often help. But in situations that are not about life and death, women are more responsive. In long-term, close relationships, women are significantly more likely to be altruistic than men - they are more likely to respond to requests from friends and spend more time helping.

  1. Religion
  2. Gender

Men are more likely to help women in trouble. Women are equally responsive to both men and women.

  1. Similarity